


  • 公司: 江西华兴(西南办事处)
  • 地址: 四川 成都
  • 联系: 闵志华
  • 手机: 13907918253
  • 一键开店

江西华兴信息产业有限公司总部设立于英雄城南昌,地处交通枢纽繁华路段,坐拥上千平米厂房及办公区域。 公司集研发、生产、销售于一体,主营LED电子显示屏、显示屏租赁、室内外LED景观照明、路灯、航空障碍灯,亮化、触摸屏、查询一体机、排队叫号系统、液晶拼接、监控安防、软件开发。拥有一批高素质专业技术人才和一套先进的现代化生产设备,严格施行ISO9001:2008质量管理体系,业务广泛覆盖学校、工厂、邮电、商场、医院、工商、税务、海关、交通、监控中心、机场、车站、港口、体育、银行、广告、酒吧等行业。立足本土,辐射全国。 专业的销售团队、强大的技术支撑、稳定的产品质量及优质的售后服务让公司稳居同行业水平。江西华兴,期待您的光临! Jiangxi Huaxing information industry limited company headquartered in the heroic city of Nanchang, is located in the traffic hub of a busy road, with thousands of square meters of factory and office area. The company set the development, production and sales in one, the main LED electronic display screen, screen rental, indoor and outdoor LED landscape lighting, street lamps, aviation obstacle lights, lighting, touch screen, query one machine, queuing system, LCD display, security monitoring, software development. Has a group of high-quality professional and technical personnel and a set of advanced modern production equipment, strict implementation of ISO9001: 2008 quality management system, extensive coverage of business schools, factories, shopping malls, hospitals, post and telecommunications, industry and commerce, taxation, customs, transport, the monitoring center, airport, station, port, sports, banking, advertising, the industry such as bar. Based on the local community, the national radiation. Professional sales team, strong technical support, a stable product quality and quality after-sales service so that the company has the same industry leading level. Jiangxi Huaxing, welcome your presence!



  • 主营: 3G无线播放系统,LED电子显示屏,联播网
  • 地址: 四川 成都
  • 联系: 闵志华
  • 手机: 13907918253
  • 本站共被浏览过 1648 次

